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Latest news about Data Protection, GDPR, AI Legislation and more

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The European Data Act and its Consequences for your Company

The European Data Act will be implemented in September 2025 and will affect the use and access of non-personal, user-generated data across all industries. Companies should start preparing now to ensure compliance with the new legislation. Find a comprehensive checklist and key takeaways to help you and your company navigate data access, sharing, and protection requirements.

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Generative AI and the GDPR - a complete guide

A comprehensive guide to companies using generative AI tools to ensure compliance, transparency, and address potential challenges such as bias and security issues as well as processing data under GDPR in relation to generative AI.

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15 guidelines for companies using large language model chatbots

Key recommendations include specifying internal directives, involving data protection officers, securing authentication, refraining from personal data input and output, offering opt-out options, ensuring human involvement in legal decisions, and staying updated on evolving regulations, particularly the EU's upcoming AI Regulation.

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EU vs. US - Comparison on AI legislation

Comparing White House's Executive Order (EO) and the EU's AI Act. Both policies prioritize AI testing, monitoring, and privacy protection but differ in their approach. The EU Act is more comprehensive, risk-based, and regulates high-risk use cases while the US EO is more flexible, sector-specific, and addresses broader political dimensions. It is important to understand both approaches for effective privacy compliance and AI governance programs as businesses navigate overlapping compliance efforts globally.

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